Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves


Coeligena orina

Colibrí del Sol
ProAves reserve
Colibrí del Sol
ProAves Reserve
Coeligena orina

Date created: October 6, 2005

Area: 731 hectares

Temperature: Between 35 and 64 °F

Ecosystem: Mixed forest with high epiphytism

Weather: Bimodal

Altitudinal range: Between 2.700 – 3.700 AMSL

Key species: Sun Hummingbird (Coeligena urine)


Key species

Some of the bird species found in the Reserve are the Sun Hummingbird (Coligena urine), critically endangered, the Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsittaca amazonina), the Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer(Diglossa gloriosisima), the Moustached Antpitta (Grallaria alleni), in vulnerable, and the Golden-crowned Tanager (Iridosornis rufivertex).

A new species of grallaria, known as Urrao Antpitta (Grallaria fenwickorum), was recently discovered in the reserve.

On the other hand, the site is recognized as a breeding and rearing area for the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornaments), which holds the category of Vulnerable (VU).

Diglossa gloriosisima
Location and area

It is located in the Vereda El Chuscal, on the axis of the Western Cordillera, at a distance of 17 km north of the municipality of Urrao, Antioquia, and has an area of ​​731 hectares of high Andean Forest and paramo, which includes a large portion of the Santa Bárbara stream basin, one of the main tributaries of the Urrao River. (See map).


The Reserve is made up of Andean Oak (or Colombian Oak) (Quercus humboltii), in a good state of conservation and mixed forest with high epiphytism. Above 3,500 m., it presents paramo associations, which include the endemic Frailejón de Frontino (Espeletia frontinoensis) and thickets dominated by Polylepis quadrijuga. Its relief is predominantly mountainous, with about 70% of the property with steep slopes, 20% with hills and 10% flat. Its soils have andic properties of high porosity, medium texture, moderately well-structured and strongly acidic. Regarding flora, 450 species have been reported for the area, belonging to 247 genera, including 136 families of Phanerogams and Cryptogamas plants. Within them, a new species of Asteraceae was found, which was described by Cuatrecasas as Espeletia frontinoensis.

How to get there

Colibrí del Sol ProAves Reserve is located in the municipality of Urrao, department of Antioquia, 157 kilometers from Medellín, with an approximate travel time of 4 hours 30 minutes. In Medellín you must board a bus from the companies Rápido Ochoa or Soatraur in the Terminal del Sur to Urrao.

In the main park of Urrao you can take a transport to the path of El Chuscal, the transport options are: Taxi, Jeep or Chiva.

From the path of El Chuscal to the Reserve you can go on horseback or walking, which takes about 3 hours.

Route: Medellín – Itagüí – La Estrella – Caldas – Amagá – Albania (Titiribí) – Bolombolo – Concordia – Betulia – Urrao.